Wednesday at the Wastewater!
Aug 28, 2019 5:00AM—8:00PM
What birder doesn’t love the smell of raw sewage in the morning? Join us as we head west to one of the top birding hotspots in the state, boasting a bird list of 267 species. The 11,000 acres of the Muskegon Wastewater System beckons birders and provides a wide range of habitat for birds, including sewage ponds, landfill, grassy fields, woodland, and agricultural fields. Huge numbers of waterfowl, gulls, and shorebirds enjoy the vast ponds, which are the best place in the state to find Eared Grebes. The grasslands provide habitat for Upland Sandpipers, Eastern Meadowlarks, and Bobolinks. Several raptor species can be found patrolling the woods, fields, and waters. Best of all, the management and staff welcome birders with open arms, and grant access to the entire facility. For this trip we will be renting a large passenger van and riding out to Muskegon together. Our early morning departure will have us birding by 8:00. Cost for this all-day trip is $45 for Seven Ponds members, $55 for non-members. Space is limited. We will bring the nature center’s spoting scope. Dress for the weather, bring your own binoculars, field guide, snacks and a beverage. We will be stopping for a late lunch on the return trip, so come prepared to purchase lunch or bring a sack lunch.