2024 Winter Series

Each winter Seven Ponds sponsors the Winter Series, a series of Sunday afternoon programs highlighted by noted naturalists and photographers, live animals, fascinating natural history, and enjoyment for all ages. Come out for one or all of these programs. Sessions are open to everyone, but pre-registration is required. Seating is limited and these programs often fill quickly. Fee: $3.00. Please register online.

Click the event title to register.

Nadia Greely

aka “The Bug Lady”

Sunday, January 28th, 2:00 PM

This afternoon Nadia will shed some light on the “less-loved” creatures of our planet: bugs! This family program will be a mix of education and entertainment to help us understand and appreciate how amazing, important, and not-so-scary these creatures really are. Get ready for a fun hands-on experience.


Lizz Parkinson

PhD Student - Biology - Aquatic Ecology
Oakland University

Sunday, February 4th, 2:00 PM

As human habitation, and illumination, of freshwater coastlines worldwide continues to grow, the importance of understanding the implications of these changes for freshwater ecosystems grows with it, especially here in Michigan. This program will discuss some of the research being done on the impacts of light pollution on insects that play a crucial role in freshwater food webs and why we should be concerned. Much of this research was conducted at Seven Ponds.


Dean Pyers

Executive Director - Steam Railroading Institute - Owosso

Sunday, February 11th, 2:00 PM

Michigan's railroading past is full of high adventure and daring crimes, and Dean Pyers will be our guide this afternoon. In the mid to late 1800s, train robberies were a frequent occurance, and later became a staple of popular entertainment. This program will dive into an interesting part of Michigan's history.


Daniel Bernard

Avid Birding Enthusiast

Sunday, February 18th, 2:00 PM

Join birder Danny Bernard as he shares his story of battling a limited budget and the time constraint of a fulltime job on his initially unplanned journey to break the Michigan Big Year record. Danny met dozens of people and learned loads about birding, himself, and life in general as he traveled over 45,000 miles and spent nearly every waking minute of 2022 on his quest to see more birds in a single year than anyone in Michigan history.


Carrie Spencer

Director of Environmental Education - Seven Ponds Nature Center 

Sunday, February 25th, 2:00 PM

Children are spending less time outside, but there is no evidence to suggest that kids enjoy outdoor play less than previous generations; today’s children have more obstacles that were not present in the past. During this program, we discover what some of those obstacles are, and how we can help create places and experiences for our kids to get outside.