Opportunities to Contribute

Seven Ponds Nature Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We depend on the generosity of our members and supporters in order to fulfill our mission. Please consider one of the giving opportinities shown below. 

We truly appreciate your support!



While it may seem that spring migration is a long ways off, our team of hotshot birders is already mapping out their strategy to find as many bird species as possible in a single day in May in Lapeer County. Click the link below to support their effort and Seven Ponds Nature Center.



Honor a friend or family member with a donation to Seven Ponds. We will use these gifts to impact the future by connecting children and adults with nature.


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Some places are so special that people find themselves returning over and over again. Seven Ponds Nature Center is one of those places. Over the first 50 years, more than a million people, representing four generations, participated in the nature center's programs. Hundreds of thousands of school children have walked the trails.

Seven Ponds is indeed a very special place and you will be in good company when you make a planned gift to Seven Ponds. Click the link below to learn more about how planned giving can benefit Seven Ponds.

Making a donation is simple and easy!


Donating appreciated stocks may help you save on your taxes. If you sell appreciated stocks you will face capital gains tax on the increased value of your stocks. The good news is this: if you donate the stocks you can avoid paying capital gains taxes altogether. Contact the nature center or your financial advisor to find out how easy it can be to donate stocks to Seven Ponds.


If you are over 70 1/2 you are required to start taking funds (RMD: Required Minimum Distribution) from your IRA, 401K, or sheltered accounts. There are ways you can save significant amounts on taxes and help Seven Ponds. You may avoid the normal income tax on these withdrawals if you donate the money directly to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The government does this to encourage charitable giving and it's a great way to save a significant amount on taxes and maximize your gift to Seven Ponds. Talk with your financial advisor if this strategy seems like a fit for you.