Seven Ponds Nature Center encompasses nearly 500 acres of woodlands, wetlands, lakes, ponds, prairies, and fields. There are over six miles of trails for you to explore and enjoy. Please check-in at the nature center prior to venturing out on the trails. Our trails are open to guests Tuesday through Sunday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and open to Seven Ponds members dawn to dusk, every day of the year.

Click here for a Seven Ponds trail map


February 18, 2025 - It's COLD out there! But the trails are snow-covered and beautiful. Bundle up and hit the trails for a wonderful winter walk. 

NOTE: please do NOT walk out onto the ice from anywhere at Seven Ponds. Ice conditions can vary, especially near the channels. 


  • This is the time of year when our naturalists climb up and clean out all of our Wood Duck nest boxes in preparation of the spring nesting season. Old nesting material is discarded, and cedar woodchips are placed in each of the boxes. Invariably, our naturalists find some boxes occupied by winter tenants - of course, we leave them be. This morning's discoveries included a sleeping raccoon and a red-form Eastern Screech-Owl. (2/12/25)
  • We heard turkeys this morning - hens clucking and toms gobbling. Wild Turkeys toms start gobbling in late winter or early spring when they begin courtship. This seems a bit early? (2/11/25)
  • We enjoyed watching a young Virginia Opossum munching on sunflower seeds at our feeders today. (2/6/25)
  • More action on the deer carcass, with an adult Bald Eagle having a meal (1/31/25) and three American Crows having breakfast (2/4/25).
  • A deer carcass on the Treetop Pond ice is attracting scavengers in search of a hearty winter meal. So far we've seen American Crows and two juvenile Bald Eagles. You can view the carcass from the nature center building or the Treetop Pond dock. Circle of life! (1/29/25)
  • We've enjoyed a few visits from a special winter visitor: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Most birds of this species head south when winter's chill takes hold, but every once in a while one decides to stick around. This one has been hitting our suet feeders for some tasty fat. (1/28/25)
  • Fresh snow on the ground means fresh tracks! There is a LOT of animal activity around the nature center, including whitetail deer, gray squirrels, red squirrels, cottontail rabbits, Virginia opossums, raccoons, and birds - including a big flock of wild turkeys. Check out the turkey tracks! (1/2/25)
  • Today we spotted an Eastern Screech-Owl peeking out of one of our Wood Duck nest boxes. Screech-Owls generally use tree cavities as their day roost, but will use nest boxes when available - and we have about 30 of them on the property. Whenever you're out hiking at Seven Ponds, be sure to take a look at each Wood Duck box to check for one of these little owls. (11/20/24)
A sleepy-eyed red-form Eastern Screech-Owl utilizing one of our nest boxes.
A sleepy-eyed red-form Eastern Screech-Owl utilizing one of our nest boxes.
A young Virginia Opossum at our feeders
A young Virginia Opossum at our feeders
Juvenile Bald Eagles on a deer carcass on Treetop Pond
Juvenile Bald Eagles on a deer carcass on Treetop Pond
Wild Turkey tracks at Seven Ponds
Wild Turkey tracks at Seven Ponds
Gray phase Eastern Screech-Owl at Seven Ponds
Gray phase Eastern Screech-Owl at Seven Ponds
Raccoon enjoying a winter slumber in a Wood Duck nest box.
Raccoon enjoying a winter slumber in a Wood Duck nest box.
A murder of American Crows
A murder of American Crows
Adult Bald Eagle on the deer carcass
Adult Bald Eagle on the deer carcass
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - a special winter visitor at Seven Ponds
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - a special winter visitor at Seven Ponds

Seven Ponds Nature Photo Gallery

Aurora Borealis at Seven Ponds!
Aurora Borealis at Seven Ponds!
Monarch caterpillar in the Seven Ponds Butterfly Garden
Monarch caterpillar in the Seven Ponds Butterfly Garden
Wood Duck drake on the boathouse roof
Wood Duck drake on the boathouse roof
Nature provided another stunning sunset at the ponds
Nature provided another stunning sunset at the ponds
Female Common Merganser laying low and hoping to go unnoticed
Female Common Merganser laying low and hoping to go unnoticed
ANOTHER spectacular sunrise over Earl's Prairie
ANOTHER spectacular sunrise over Earl's Prairie
Good morning, Woodchuck! Nice to see you again.
Good morning, Woodchuck! Nice to see you again.
Sunset at Big Pond
Sunset at Big Pond
Misty morning fog over Treetop Pond
Misty morning fog over Treetop Pond
Northern Shrike, aka The Butcher Bird, hunting over Big Pond
Northern Shrike, aka The Butcher Bird, hunting over Big Pond
Water droplets on a fallen leaf - science in nature!
Water droplets on a fallen leaf - science in nature!
Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus) in Paul's Woods
Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus) in Paul's Woods
Great Egret spotted at the Crawford Rd/Lake George Rd swamp at Seven Ponds
Great Egret spotted at the Crawford Rd/Lake George Rd swamp at Seven Ponds
Arctic Skipper at Seven Ponds - first record for Lapeer County
Arctic Skipper at Seven Ponds - first record for Lapeer County
Monarch caterpillar on milkweed in the North-80
Monarch caterpillar on milkweed in the North-80
Sandhill Crane pair - and baby makes three!
Sandhill Crane pair - and baby makes three!
Eastern Screech-Owl roosting in Wood Duck nest box
Eastern Screech-Owl roosting in Wood Duck nest box
Baltimore Checkerspot in the North-80 fields
Baltimore Checkerspot in the North-80 fields
Moonlight through the clouds just before dawn
Moonlight through the clouds just before dawn
Monarch on butterfly bush in the Seven Ponds Butterfly Garden
Monarch on butterfly bush in the Seven Ponds Butterfly Garden
Colors are popping at Seven Ponds!
Colors are popping at Seven Ponds!
Muskrat in Waterfowl Pond
Muskrat in Waterfowl Pond
First of the spring Eastern Chipmunk at Seven Ponds
First of the spring Eastern Chipmunk at Seven Ponds
Mourning Cloak resting on a utility pole at Seven Ponds
Mourning Cloak resting on a utility pole at Seven Ponds
Virginia Opossum at our feeders
Virginia Opossum at our feeders
Red Squirrel overcoming our "squirrel proof" feeder
Red Squirrel overcoming our "squirrel proof" feeder
Woodchuck chilling out on the rock bath
Woodchuck chilling out on the rock bath
"Our" Sandhill Cranes, pictured on November 8 watching over our welcome sign.
"Our" Sandhill Cranes, pictured on November 8 watching over our welcome sign.
Evening Grosbeaks on a feeder at Seven Ponds
Evening Grosbeaks on a feeder at Seven Ponds
Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus)
Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus)
Violet Dancer (Argia fumipennis violacea) at the A-frame Bridge
Violet Dancer (Argia fumipennis violacea) at the A-frame Bridge
Fall fungi abounds!
Fall fungi abounds!
Red-spotted Purple on our sidewalk
Red-spotted Purple on our sidewalk
Red-headed Woodpecker at Seven Ponds
Red-headed Woodpecker at Seven Ponds
Snow Bunting in the Seven Ponds parking lot!
Snow Bunting in the Seven Ponds parking lot!
Smooth Blue Aster in Earl's Prairie
Smooth Blue Aster in Earl's Prairie
Paul's Woods ablaze in gold
Paul's Woods ablaze in gold
Red-headed Woodpecker at Seven Ponds!
Red-headed Woodpecker at Seven Ponds!
Groundhog at home at Seven Ponds
Groundhog at home at Seven Ponds
Sunset over Seven Ponds
Sunset over Seven Ponds
The first skunk cabbage we saw this year
The first skunk cabbage we saw this year
Trumpeter Swans on Treetop Pond
Trumpeter Swans on Treetop Pond
Our healthy Raccoon visitor
Our healthy Raccoon visitor
Young turkeys on the move
Young turkeys on the move
Slugging along on a window
Slugging along on a window
Northern Waterthrush at Jonathan Woods
Northern Waterthrush at Jonathan Woods
Louisiana Waterthrush at Jonathan Woods
Louisiana Waterthrush at Jonathan Woods
Fox Squirrel in front with Gray Squirrels (gray and black form)
Fox Squirrel in front with Gray Squirrels (gray and black form)
Bowl and doily web near the A-Frame Bridge
Bowl and doily web near the A-Frame Bridge
Closed Bottle Gentian in Earl's Prairie
Closed Bottle Gentian in Earl's Prairie
Snowberry Clearwing moth, with wings so fast they are just a blur!
Snowberry Clearwing moth, with wings so fast they are just a blur!
Blanding's Turtle at Seven Ponds
Blanding's Turtle at Seven Ponds
Dryad's Saddle in the North-80
Dryad's Saddle in the North-80
Pixie Cup Lichen
Pixie Cup Lichen
Mayapple in Paul's Woods
Mayapple in Paul's Woods

206 bird species have been observed at Seven Ponds! The most recent addition to our property list was Common Goldeneye, seen on March 12, 2023. For more recent sightings posted to eBird, click the eBird logo to the right.


Our satellite properties are visited less frequently, but offer different habitat for birds. Check out the eBird reports for these two areas below:


Jonathan Woods Nature Preserve eBird reports

106 bird species observed


Richie Pond Nature Preserve eBird reports

75 bird species observed