Volunteer with Seven Ponds!
Seven Ponds Nature Center is always looking for dedicated volunteers to help out in a variety activities throughout the year. Adult, college and high school volunteers who are willing to lend a hand are welcome. We appreciate any time you can give us no matter how big or how small. Please complete the Volunteer Interest Form or contact Amy Sadler at asadler@sevenponds.org if you can lend a hand in any of the areas described below. You can also call the nature center at (810) 796-3200 for more information.

Current Volunteer Opportunities
Please click on the day you are interested in participating to be taken to the application page.

Miller Pond Boardwalk Reconstruction Project
(Tuesdays - Fridays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Come and be part of rebuilding a much loved and popular trail at Seven Ponds! We are looking for volunteers to assist with rebuilding the Miller Pond Boardwalk. Potential volunteers must be able to lift 50 lbs, stand for long periods of time, walk on uneven ground and be prepared to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions. Carpentry experience is a bonus, but is not required. This opportunity is ongoing until the boardwalk is completed. Work will be done between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM Tuesday through Friday.

Bird Feeder Cleaning (Tuesdays 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm)

Discovery Room Cleaning (Thursdays 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm)

Eco Day Bake Sale Set Up
Eco Day Bake Sale/Baked Goods Donations

Demonstration Garden Work Day
Adult (ASNAT) Classes
Do you love teaching people about our natural world? Does working with kids excite you? You might be interested in becoming one of our dedicated Assistant Naturalists (ASNATs for short.) ASNATs help in leading groups of all ages but focus mainly on children visitors. ASNAT classes are given once a month to better prepare for interpreting the world around you to our inquisitive guests. Come strengthen your skills and inspire people for years to come.
These adult classes are held on the third Thursday of the month and start at 3:00 PM. Classes are open to Assistant Naturalists only. If you would like to become a part of this rewarding program, please fill out and submit an interest form.
Thursday, March 20, 2025 3:00 pm
Wetlands are wild and wonderful! Let's learn about them and explore on our own!
Thursday, April 17, 2025 3:00 pm
What lurks in the ponds? Grab a net and we'll find out!
Thursday, May 15, 2025 3:00 pm
Let's go birding during the height of spring migration!
Special Events
Seven Ponds holds several special events throughout the year to celebrate or raise money for the nature center. Volunteers are always needed for Holiday Auction, Winterfest, Party at the Ponds, Eco Days/The Native Plant Sale, and Enchanted Woodland. If you thrive around a lot of people and activity, we would love to have you. Please contact Amy Sadler at asadler@sevenponds.org or (810) 796-3200 if you wish to learn more about each event.
Friends of Seven Ponds
One of our most active and vital volunteer organizations is the Friends of Seven Ponds, also known as “The Stingers.” If you would like to help out with the Bake Sales, Book Sale, Rummage Sale, Resale Shoppe, and the Holiday Auction, The Stingers would love to have you.
The Stingers meet at 10:00 AM on the first Tuesday of each month, April through October. Some like to stay after and enjoy a brown-bag lunch or visit a local restaurant. To join, complete the Volunteer Interest form or contact the nature center at 810-796-3200 for more information.
Animal Care
Seven Ponds has several live animal displays we refer to as 'Critter Corner.' We are looking for one or several dedicated volunteers who can come to the nature center on a routine basis and care for the critters. Care involves feeding, the cleaning of their tanks/habitats, and also fresh water aquarium maintenance.